如何解析/反序列化动态 JSON

如何解析/反序列化动态 JSON



Consider the following is the JSON :

   "Bangalore_City": "35_Temperature",
   "NewYork_City": "31_Temperature",
   "Copenhagen_City": "29_Temperature"

如果您注意到,数据的结构方式没有硬编码键提到 City/Temperature 基本上只是值.

If you notice, the data is structured in such a way that there is no hard-coded keys mentioning City/Temperature its basically just values.

问题:我无法解析任何动态的 JSON.

Issue: I am not able to parse any JSON which is dynamic.

问题: 谁能找到这种 JSON 解析的解决方案?我试过 go-simplejson, gabs &默认 encoding/json 但没有运气.

Question: Could anyone have found solution for this kind of JSON parsing? I tried go-simplejson, gabs & default encoding/json but no luck.

注意:上面的 JSON 只是示例.并且有很多应用程序都在使用当前的 API,所以我不想改变数据的结构.我的意思是我不能更改为以下内容:

Note: The above JSON is just for sample. And there are lot of applications which are using the current API, So I do not want to change how the data is structured. I mean I can't change to something as follows:

   "Temperature": "35"


type TempData struct {
  City_Name string
  Temperature  string

您可以解组为 map[string]string 例如:

You can unmarshal into a map[string]string for example:

m := map[string]string{}
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(input), &m)
if err != nil {


map[Bangalore_City:35_Temperature NewYork_City:31_Temperature

Go Playground 上试试.

这样,无论键或值是什么,您都将在 map 中拥有所有对,您可以打印或循环遍历.

This way no matter what the keys or values are, you will have all pairs in a map which you can print or loop over.

另请注意,虽然您的示例仅包含 string 值,但如果值类型变化(例如 string、数字等),您可以使用 interface{} 用于值类型,在这种情况下,您的地图的类型为 map[string]interface{}.

Also note that although your example contained only string values, but if the value type is varying (e.g. string, numbers etc.), you may use interface{} for the value type, in which case your map would be of type map[string]interface{}.


Also note that I created a library to easily work with such dynamic objects which may be a great help in these cases: github.com/icza/dyno.