


我能够在我的物理设备和模拟器上调试我的 Xamarin.iOS 应用程序,直到今天早上都很好.我认为这与最近的 iOS 更新有关.当我尝试部署到我的物理设备 (iPad) 时,我现在收到此消息:

I was able to debug my Xamarin.iOS app on my physical device and simulators just fine until this morning. I think it has something to do with the recent iOS update. When I try to deploy to my physical device (iPad) I get this message now:

错误 HE0003:无法加载框架IBFoundation"(路径:/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Frameworks/IBFoundation.framework/IBFoundation):未找到.

error HE0003: Could not load the framework 'IBFoundation' (path: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Frameworks/IBFoundation.framework/IBFoundation): not found.


And I can't deploy on any simulator anymore, I get this message

降低部署目标以查看较旧的模拟器或检查您的 AppleSDK路径

Lower the deployment target to see older simulators or check you Apple SDK path

昨天我没有遇到这些问题,而且我已经在我的应用程序上工作了几个月没有这个问题.我更新了 Visual Studio、Xcode 和我的 Mac,但这些问题仍然存在.知道如何修复吗?

I didn't have these problems yesterday and I've been working on my app for months without this problem. I updated Visual Studio, Xcode, and my Mac, but these problems still persist. Any idea how to fix?


It is a known issue that you can follow here: https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios/issues/12778


Also there are few workarounds that work mentioned in the issue.