


在我的应用程序中,我想使用php通过PHP集成QuickBooks.因此,从Web服务器(使用PHP)中,我想调用QuickBooks Desktop版本的App来推送数据和检索数据.

In my application, i want to use php to integrate QuickBooks by PHP. So From a web server(with PHP), I want to call QuickBooks Desktop version App to push data and retrieve data.


I am stuck here. I do not know where to start? Someone asked me to start with webconnector. I wonder like other webservices have a URL, we need to push the data to that url and they will do the rest. Is this the same? Or any other process I need to follw?


So Please please can any one there to help me out? I want to to know the full process and if any sample code available for the same in php.

要求: 1.我的应用程序在Filemaker中. 2. FIlemaker将数据发送到PHP文件. 2.然后,PHP文件将以QBXML格式将数据发送到Quickbooks Desktop Application.

Requirement: 1. My app is in Filemaker. 2. FIlemaker send the data to PHP file. 2. Then PHP file will send the data(in QBXML format) to Quickbooks Desktop Application.



这是一个 PHP QuickBooks库正是您想要做的.

Here is a PHP QuickBooks Library which does exactly what you want to do.

您应遵循 QuickBooks PHP Web连接器快速入门指南开始.您将需要设计您的应用程序,以便您的PHP脚本可以接收数据,将其临时存储在数据库(MySQL等)中,然后Web连接器可以从那里获取发往QuickBooks的数据.

You should follow the QuickBooks PHP Web Connector quick-start guide to get started. You'll want to architect your application so that your PHP script can receive the data, store it temporarily in a database (MySQL, etc.) and then the Web Connector can pick up the data destined for QuickBooks from there.

Web连接器与标准Web服务有点不同,它以一种向后的方式工作-Web连接器将调出您的PHP Web服务,而您调出的是它.

The Web Connector is a little different than a standard web service in that it works in a sort of backwards manner - the Web Connector will call out to your PHP web service vs. you calling out to it.



You should refer to this script (as the quick-start guide does above):


You'll end up writing functions to generate qbXML requests that look something like this:


 * Example Web Connector application
 * This is a very simple application that allows someone to enter a customer 
 * name into a web form, and then adds the customer to QuickBooks.
 * @author Keith Palmer <keith@consolibyte.com>
 * @package QuickBooks
 * @subpackage Documentation

 * Generate a qbXML response to add a particular customer to QuickBooks
function _quickbooks_customer_add_request($requestID, $user, $action, $ID, $extra, &$err, $last_action_time, $last_actionident_time, $version, $locale)
        // Grab the data from our MySQL database
        $arr = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM my_customer_table WHERE id = " . (int) $ID));

        $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                <?qbxml version="2.0"?>
                        <QBXMLMsgsRq onError="stopOnError">
                                <CustomerAddRq requestID="' . $requestID . '">
                                                <Name>' . $arr['name'] . '</Name>
                                                <CompanyName>' . $arr['name'] . '</CompanyName>
                                                <FirstName>' . $arr['fname'] . '</FirstName>
                                                <LastName>' . $arr['lname'] . '</LastName>

        return $xml;