


JupyterLab 3.0 带有完整的 可视调试器 .但是只有在运行 xeus-python 内核.其他消息来源报告说, xeus-python ipython 之间有一些区别,但是

JupyterLab 3.0 comes with a full-fledged visual debugger. But using it is only posssible if you're running a xeus-python kernel. Other sources report that there are a few differences between xeus-python and ipython, but that the list of features that differ between the two is growing shorter. So that's not really what I'm asking for here. Rather, what is it that distinguishes xeus-python from ipython that makes it suitable for a visual debugger as the one featured by JupyterLab 3.0?

相反,xeus-python与ipython的区别是什么,使其适合JupyterLab 3.0的视觉调试器?

Rather, what is it that distinguishes xeus-python from ipython that makes it suitable for a visual debugger as the one featured by JupyterLab 3.0?

没什么特别深刻或有趣的.Jupyter定义了 debugger协议,它是一个简单的包装器调试适配器协议.内核必须支持此协议才能与JupyterLab调试器一起使用.

It's nothing particularly deep or interesting. Jupyter defines a debugger protocol that's a straightforward wrapper around the Debug Adapter Protocol. Kernels have to support this protocol to be usable with the JupyterLab debugger.

xeus-python支持此协议.IPython内核没有.他们正在为此努力;我认为它是为IPython内核6.0计划的(不要与不久前发布的IPython 6.0混淆).

xeus-python supports this protocol. The IPython kernel does not. They're working on it; I think it's planned for IPython kernel 6.0 (not to be confused with IPython 6.0, which came out a while ago).