Grails - 试图在glassfish 3.0.1中部署一个nojars应用程序

Grails  - 试图在glassfish 3.0.1中部署一个nojars应用程序



Because of memory constraint i am trying to build a grails app with smaller memory footprint. I build the war with this argument "--nojars". I created a war file without all the jar and when i deploy within the glassfish i encounter this error

加载应用程序时的异常:java.lang.Exception:java.lang .IllegalStateException:ContainerBase.addChild:start:org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException:java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.util.Log4jConfigListener

Exception while loading the app : java.lang.Exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: ContainerBase.addChild: start: org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.util.Log4jConfigListener


It seems like the application fail to find where is the jar file.


I had already indicates the path to the library before deploying the application in glassfish.


did i miss out somethinng?

通常推荐使用GlassFish的 Common Classloader 。这意味着将共享的JARS放入 $ domain-dir / lib 文件夹(但不是 )到该子文件夹中。

It is commonly recommended to use GlassFish's Common Classloader. That means putting the shared JARS into the $domain-dir/lib folder (but not into a subfolder of that).

您可能试图使用 Application Classloader asadmin deploy --libraries 命令。这更复杂且容易出错。如果您不需要不同版本的相同JAR与不同的Web应用程序,那么您应该按照上面的指定去使用 Common Classloader

You're probably trying to use the Application Classloader with the asadmin deploy --libraries command. This is more complicated and error-prone. If you don't need different versions of the same JARs with different web applications, you should definitely go for the Common Classloader as specified above.

另请参阅 Classloader Hierarchy 以供参考。


EDIT Updated as per the questioner's comment:

domain / domain1 / lib 文件夹绝对有效(我测试过)。为了验证这一点,将 log4j.jar 放入该文件夹,并将 test.jsp 添加到

The domain/domain1/lib folder definitely works (I've tested that). To validate that, put log4j.jar into that folder and add a test.jsp to domain1/applications/$applicationName, that just contains:

<% out.println(
    org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(this.getClass())); %>

如果这可行,但其他代码不行,可能还有另外一点需要考虑:您使用的是Log4J的 Logger.getLogger(..)或Apache Commons的 LogFactory.getInstance(..) / code>在你的代码中?

If that works but your other code does not, there may be another point to consider: Are you using Log4J's Logger.getLogger(..) or Apache Commons' LogFactory.getInstance(..) in your code?

请参阅文章使用Jakarta Commons Logging时遇到的类加载器问题的分类法以了解相关问题。 - 我还想建议您发布完整的堆栈跟踪。

See the article Taxonomy of class loader problems encountered when using Jakarta Commons Logging for related issues. - I'd also like to advise you to post your complete stacktrace.