HTTP模块中的OAuth 2.0身份验证

HTTP模块中的OAuth 2.0身份验证



Is it possible to implement OAuth(Open Authorization) 2.0 or 1.0 in HTTP Module.


Why i m choosing this because, each and every request will first reaches the HTTP Module, so from that request i have to authenticate



If YES means , please like a related link for that



I'm going to add to Eugenio's answer by saying that mod_auth_openidc supports two modes of operation:

  1. 它可以用作OpenID Connect依赖方,通过使用和验证由OpenID Connect提供商发行的ID令牌,访问令牌和刷新令牌来对用户进行身份验证;它将有关经过身份验证的用户(可能还有令牌本身)的信息中继到在Apache服务器之上或之后运行的受保护应用程序

  1. it can function as an OpenID Connect Relying Party authenticating users by consuming and verifying ID tokens, access tokens and refresh tokens as issued by an OpenID Connect Provider; it will relay information about the authenticated user (and possibly the tokens themselves) to the protected application that runs on or behind the Apache server

它可以充当OAuth 2.0资源服务器,通过使用和验证由OAuth 2.0授权服务器发布的访问令牌来控制来自OAuth 2.0客户端的访问;它可以将与访问令牌相关的信息传递给在Apache服务器上或之后运行的受保护应用程序

it can function as an OAuth 2.0 Resource Server, controlling access from OAuth 2.0 clients by consuming and verifying access tokens that have been issued by an OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server; it can pass on information associated with the access token to the protected application that runs on or behind the Apache server


For both cases, Apache's Require logic can be used to enforce access based on certain claims that are present in the ID token resp. access token.


Update April 12, 2019:

现在有一个专用模块可以处理OAuth 2.0资源服务器功能: /mod_oauth2

There's now a dedicated module to handle the OAuth 2.0 Resource Server functionality: