使用jQuery的$ .get和GMail API时出现401(未经授权)错误

使用jQuery的$ .get和GMail API时出现401(未经授权)错误


在我让用户使用javascript使用G + API登录后,我试图运行jQuery的$ .get,但是在浏览器控制台中出现401(未经授权)错误.

I'm trying to run jQuery's $.get after having a user log in with the G+ API with javascript, but am getting a 401 ( unauthorised ) error in the browser console.


Here is the format of the url I am requesting: https://www.googleapis.com/gmail/v1/users/myusername%40gmail.com/messages?key=%7Bmyborwserapikey%7D



both are returning the 401 error after logging in.

对Gmail API的每个请求都需要访问令牌,因此API密钥是不够的.

Each request to the Gmail API requires an access token, so an API key will not be enough.

虽然用户可能已使用G + API登录,但该API本身并未授予您的应用对用户Gmail的授权访问权限.

While the user may have logged in with the G+ API that does not by itself give your app authorized access to the user's Gmail.

在此处查看有关访问Gmail API的更多详细信息: https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/overview#auth_and_the_gmail_api

Check here for more details on getting access to the Gmail API: https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/overview#auth_and_the_gmail_api