在 docker 中运行 cron python 作业

在 docker 中运行 cron python 作业


我想以分离模式在 docker 容器内运行 python cron 作业.我的设置如下:

I would like to run a python cron job inside of a docker container in detached mode. My set-up is below:


My python script is test.py

#!/usr/bin/env python
import datetime
print "Cron job has run at %s" %datetime.datetime.now()

我的 cron 文件是 my-crontab

My cron file is my-crontab

* * * * * /test.py > /dev/console

我的 Dockerfile 是

and my Dockerfile is

FROM ubuntu:latest
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y software-properties-common python-software-properties && apt-get update

RUN apt-get install -y python cron
ADD my-crontab /
ADD test.py /
RUN chmod a+x test.py

RUN crontab /my-crontab


What are the potential problems with this approach? Are there other approaches and what are their pros and cons?

我在尝试在 docker 容器中运行 cron 作业时遇到的几个问题是:

Several issues that I faced while trying to get a cron job running in a docker container were:

  1. docker 容器中的时间是 UTC 而不是本地时间;
  2. docker 环境没有传递给 cron;
  3. 正如 Thomas 所指出的,cron 日志记录还有很多不足之处,通过 docker 访问它需要一个基于 docker 的解决方案.

列表中存在特定于 cron 的问题和特定于 docker 的问题,但无论如何都必须解决这些问题才能使 cron 正常工作.

There are cron-specific issues and are docker-specific issues in the list, but in any case they have to be addressed to get cron working.


To that end, my current working solution to the problem posed in the question is as follows:

创建一个 docker 卷,所有在 cron 下运行的脚本都将写入该卷:

Create a docker volume to which all scripts running under cron will write:

# Dockerfile for test-logs

# BUILD-USING:        docker build -t test-logs .
# RUN-USING:          docker run  -d -v /t-logs --name t-logs test-logs
# INSPECT-USING:      docker run -t -i  --volumes-from t-logs ubuntu:latest /bin/bash

FROM stackbrew/busybox:latest

# Create logs volume
VOLUME /var/log

CMD  ["true"]

将在 cron 下运行的脚本是 test.py:

The script that will run under cron is test.py:

#!/usr/bin/env python

# python script which needs an environment variable and runs as a cron job
import datetime
import os

test_environ = os.environ["TEST_ENV"]
print "Cron job has run at %s with environment variable '%s'" %(datetime.datetime.now(), test_environ)

为了将环境变量传递给我想在 cron 下运行的脚本,按照 Thomas 的建议,在 /etc/cron.d 带有必须设置的占位符 XXXXXXX.

In order to pass the environment variable to the script that I want to run under cron, follow Thomas' suggestion and put a crontab fragment for each script (or group of scripts) that has need of a docker environment variable in /etc/cron.d with a placeholder XXXXXXX which must be set.

# placed in /etc/cron.d 
# TEST_ENV is an docker environment variable that the script test.py need

* * * * * root python /test.py >> /var/log/test.log

不是直接调用 cron,而是将 cron 包装在一个执行以下操作的 python 脚本中: 1. 从 docker 环境变量中读取环境变量并在 crontab 片段中设置环境变量.

Instead of calling cron directly, wrap cron in a python script that does does things: 1. reads the environment variable from the docker environment variable and sets the environment variable in a crontab fragment.

#!/usr/bin/env python

# run-cron.py
# sets environment variable crontab fragments and runs cron

import os
from subprocess import call
import fileinput

# read docker environment variables and set them in the appropriate crontab fragment
environment_variable = os.environ["TEST_ENV"]

for line in fileinput.input("/etc/cron.d/cron-python",inplace=1):
    print line.replace("XXXXXXX", environment_variable)

args = ["cron","-f", "-L 15"]


The Dockerfile that for the container in which the cron jobs run is as follows:

# BUILD-USING:        docker build -t test-cron .
# RUN-USING docker run --detach=true --volumes-from t-logs --name t-cron test-cron

FROM debian:wheezy
# Set correct environment variables.
ENV HOME /root
ENV TEST_ENV test-value

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y software-properties-common python-software-properties && apt-get update

# Install Python Setuptools
RUN apt-get install -y python cron

RUN apt-get purge -y python-software-properties software-properties-common && apt-get clean -y && apt-get autoclean -y && apt-get autoremove -y && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/*

ADD cron-python /etc/cron.d/
ADD test.py /
ADD run-cron.py /

RUN chmod a+x test.py run-cron.py

# Set the time zone to the local time zone
RUN echo "America/New_York" > /etc/timezone && dpkg-reconfigure --frontend noninteractive tzdata

CMD ["/run-cron.py"]


Finally, create the containers and run them:

  1. 创建日志卷(test-logs)容器:docker build -t test-logs .
  2. 运行日志卷:docker run -d -v/t-logs --name t-logs test-logs
  3. 创建 cron 容器:docker build -t test-cron .
  4. 运行 cron 容器:docker run --detach=true --volumes-from t-logs --name t-cron test-cron
  5. 检查在 cron 下运行的脚本的日志文件:docker run -t -i --volumes-from t-logs ubuntu:latest/bin/bash.日志文件位于 /var/log 中.
  1. Create the log volume (test-logs) container: docker build -t test-logs .
  2. Run log volume: docker run -d -v /t-logs --name t-logs test-logs
  3. Create the cron container: docker build -t test-cron .
  4. Run the cron container: docker run --detach=true --volumes-from t-logs --name t-cron test-cron
  5. To inspect the log files of the scripts running under cron: docker run -t -i --volumes-from t-logs ubuntu:latest /bin/bash. The log files are in /var/log.