启动另一个 Windows 商店应用程序

启动另一个 Windows 商店应用程序


当用户点击我的应用中的按钮时,是否可以启动不同的 Windows 商店应用?

Is it possible to launch a different windows store app when a user clicks on a button within my app?

遗憾的是,这是不可能的,因为 Win-RT 应用程序不允许启动其他应用程序.

Sadly, it is not possible as Win-RT apps are not allowed to launch other apps.

如果某个应用已注册为使用特定 URL 打开,则有一种解决方法可让您打开该应用:

There's a workaround that allows you to open a specific app if it's registered to open with a specific URL:



I'm not sure if it will help much, but you can open the store and go to a specific store app page with:

Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(new Uri("ms-windows-store:PDP?PFN=" + storeID), a);

其中 storeID 看起来像 '30416[AppName].[AppName]_94hq21bnosq1p' 并且可以从网上商店源代码中获取:

Where the storeID looks like '30416[AppName].[AppName]_94hq21bnosq1p' and can be obtained from the web store source code:
