什么是量角器支持的 Firefox、IE 和 Safari 版本?

什么是量角器支持的 Firefox、IE 和 Safari 版本?


Firefox、IE 和 Safari 支持 Protractor 的版本是什么?

Whats are the Protractor Supported versions of Firefox, IE and Safari?

我的测试无法在 Firefox 最新版本中运行.

My test does not run in Firefox latest version.

@High level Protractor 只是 webdriver 的一个包装器.这取决于您要测试的浏览器版本,如@alecxe 所说,您使用 webdriver-manager 下载的浏览器的网络驱动程序.

@High level Protractor is just a wrapper around webdriver. It depends on browser versions you want to test en the webdrivers for that browsers you have downloaded with webdriver-manager as said by @alecxe.

目前,也可以在 Protractor GitHub 上找到 Webdriver 的一些已知问题:

Currently there are some known issues with the webdrivers that can also be found on the Protractor GitHub:

  • Firefox 最新版 Angular2 应用存在问题,请参阅此链接,据我所知,Protractor 一直工作到 Firefox 47,由于 Firefox 48-50 版的 webdriver 出现问题,它从 51 开始工作,但不适用于 Angular 2.立>
  • IE11 有效
  • Microsoft Edge,请参阅,据我所知,在 14 版上仍然不稳定.
  • Safari 9 可以工作,但它使用旧的 Safari 驱动程序,它会错过很多用户交互,如标签、鼠标事件等.
  • Safari 10,我听说它可以与最新版本的 Safari 网络驱动程序一起使用,不要体验它,另请参阅 此处,适用于遇到问题但成功运行的人.
  • Chrome,如果您始终让 ChromeDriver 保持最新状态,则应该适用于所有最新版本.
  • Firefox latest has problems with Angular2 apps, see this link, as far as I can remember Protractor worked till Firefox 47, it broke due to problems in de webdriver of Firefox from version 48-50 and it started working from 51, but not for Angular 2.
  • IE11 works
  • Microsoft Edge, see this, as far as I can see still not stable on version 14.
  • Safari 9, works, but it's with the old Safari Driver, it misses a lot of user interactions like Tabs, mouse events and so on.
  • Safari 10, I've heard that it works with the latest version of the Safari webdriver, don't heave experience with it, see also here for a guy who had problems with it but got it working.
  • Chrome, should work with all latest versions if you always keep you ChromeDriver up-to-date.


Hope this gives you a good idea!