


我想(以编程方式)将带有问题的文本文件转换为 Google 表单.我想指定问题和问题类型及其选项.示例:问题类型量表应该从 1 到 7,并且应该有标签不重要"代表 1 和标签非常重要"代表 7.我正在研究 Google 电子表格 API,但没有找到解决方案.( 不是这个问题的答案)

I would like to (programmatically) convert a text file with questions to a Google form. I want to specify the questions and the questiontypes and their options. Example: the questiontype scale should go from 1 to 7 and should have the label 'not important' for 1 and 'very important' for 7. I was looking into the Google Spreadsheet API but did not see a solution. (The Google form API at is not an answer to this question)

Google 为此发布了 API:

Google released API for this:

此服务允许脚本创建、访问和修改 Google 表单.

This service allows scripts to create, access, and modify Google Forms.