


我有一个 create_account.jsp 的钩子。

I have a hook for create_account.jsp. In this jsp I have a javascript code where I try to open a portlet in an iframe pop-up or some pop-up from Liferay.

如何提供portlet URL?


在该portlet中我只想问一个问题是YES还是NO ,并根据用户的答案,重定向到其他页面。

The question is:
How to give the portlet URL?
How can I access it?
In that portlet I only want to ask a question with YES or NO, and based on the user answer, redirect to some other page.

  1. 到创建一个URL,您可以使用< portlet:renderURL> < liferay-portlet:renderURL>

    windowState="<%=LiferayWindowState.POP_UP.toString() %>">
    <liferay-portlet:param name="paramToPopup" value="customParameterToThePortlet" />

portletName =testPopup_WAR_testPopupportlet 这是您要打开的portlet的portletId。

portletName="testPopup_WAR_testPopupportlet" this is the portletId of the portlet which you want to open.

windowState =<%= LiferayWindowState。 POP_UP.toString()%> 这对于在弹出窗口中显示portlet很重要,否则它会打开带导航的全部liferay页面。

windowState="<%=LiferayWindowState.POP_UP.toString() %>" This is important to just show the portlet in the pop-up, or else it would open the full liferay pages with navigation and all.


The javascript which you can write in your JSP to use the above URL and open the popup and the portlet within:

// this is one of creating function
function <portlet:namespace />showPopup(url) {

    var url = url;

    // this is one way of calling a pop-up in liferay
    // this way is specific to liferay
                dialog: {
                    cache: false,
                    modal: true
                id: 'testPopupIdUnique',                
                uri: url

// this is another way of creating a function in liferay
        '<portlet:namespace />showAUIPopUP',
        function(url) {
            var A = AUI();

            // this is another way of calling a iframe pop-up
            // this way is not specific to liferay
            popupDialog = new A.Dialog(
                    id: 'testPopupIdUnique',
                    centered: true,
                    draggable: true,
                    resizable: true,
                    width: 800,
                    stack: true
                    uri: url,
                    iframeCssClass: 'ogilvy-dialog-iframe'


  • 你可以简单地调用这些javascript函数:

  • You can simply call these javascript functions something like this:

    <a href="javascript: <portlet:namespace />showPopup('<%=testPopupURL%>')">
        Popup using Liferay open-window
    <a href="javascript: <portlet:namespace />showAUIPopUP('<%=testPopupURL%>')">
        Pop-up using Alloy UI dialog

  • 将在 iframe $中显示的portlet弹出窗口的c $ c>应该在 liferay中有< add-default-resource> true< / add-default-resource> -portlet.xml as:

  • The portlet which would be displayed inside the iframe of the pop-up either should have <add-default-resource>true</add-default-resource> in liferay-portlet.xml as:

        <!-- This property is necessary otherwise you would see a "Access denied for portlet" message when you try to open this portlet dynamically -->

  • 或者应该拥有属性 portlet.add.default.resource .check.whitelist portal-ext.properties 中:


  • 要查看此代码的实际操作,您可以从中下载2个portlet并参考这个liferay论坛

    To check out this code in action you can download 2 portlets from and refer to the instructions in this liferay forum.


    Hope this helps in understanding liferay better.