从 sqlite3 远程数据库读取

从 sqlite3 远程数据库读取


在我的服务器中,我试图从一堆 sqlite3 数据库(从 Web 客户端发送)中读取数据并处理它们的数据.db 文件位于 S3 存储桶中,我有它们的 url,我可以在内存中打开它们.

In my server I'm trying to read from a bunch of sqlite3 databases (sent from web clients) and process their data. The db files are in an S3 bucket and I have their url and I can open them in memory.

现在的问题是 sqlite3.connect 只接受一个绝对路径字符串,我无法将内存中的文件传递给它.

Now the problem is sqlite3.connect only takes an absolute path string and I can't pass to it a file in memory.

conn=sqlite3.connect() #how to pass file in memory or url
c.execute('''select * from data;''')
# other processing with res

SQLite 要求 数据库文件存储在磁盘上(它使用各种锁和分页技术).内存文件是不够的.

SQLite requires database files to be stored on disk (it uses various locks and paging techniques). An in-memory file will not suffice.

我会创建一个临时目录来保存数据库文件,将其写入该目录,然后连接到它.该目录也为 SQLite 提供了写入提交日志的空间.

I'd create a temporary directory to hold the database file, write it to that directory, then connect to it. The directory gives SQLite the space to write commit logs as well.


To handle all this, a context manager might be helpful:

import os.path
import shutil
import sqlite3
import sys
import tempfile

from contextlib import contextmanager

def sqlite_database(inmemory_data):
    path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    with open(os.path.join(path, 'sqlite.db'), 'wb') as dbfile:
    conn = None
        conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(path, 'sqlite.db'))
        yield conn
        if conn is not None:
        except IOError:
            sys.stderr.write('Failed to clean up temp dir {}'.format(path))


with sqlite_database(yourdata) as connection:
    # query the database 


This writes in-memory data to disk, opens a connection, lets you use that connection, and afterwards cleans up after you.