



I need to generate an autocomplete sugestions list of Keywords based on a search, where each keyword has a set of KeywordSearch:


public class Keyword
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

public class KeywordSearch
    // Primary properties
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public Keyword Keyword { get; set; }


So If have a keyword like "Company Name", I will have the KeywordSearch "Company" and "Name".


The function I have now, that is not working well is:

public IList<KeywordDto> GetAllBySearch(string keywords, int numberOfRecords)
    var splitKeywords = keywords.Split(new Char[] { ' ' });
    var keywordQuery = _keywordRepository.Query.Where(p => p.IsActive == true);
    var keywordSearchQuery = _keywordSearchRepository.Query;

    var keywordIds = keywordSearchQuery
                        .GroupBy(k => k.Keyword.Id)
                        .Where(g => splitKeywords.All(w => g.Any(k => w.Contains(k.Name))))
                        .Select(g => g.Key);

    IList<KeywordDto> keywordList = (from kw in keywordQuery
                                         join kwids in keywordIds on kw.Id equals kwids
                                         select new KeywordDto { Id = kw.Id, Name = kw.Name })
                                         .OrderBy(p => p.Name).ToList();
    return keywordList;

我需要基于关键字字符串构建KeywordList,因此如果关键字="Compa",则返回带有粗体样式的"Comp"部分的"Company Name",或者,如果关键字="Compa Nam",则返回"Company名称"和"Compa Nam"等粗体样式...

I need to build a KeywordList based on the keywords string, so if keywords = "Compa" I return "Company Name" with the part "Comp" with bold style , or if keywords = "Compa Nam" I return "Company Name" with "Compa Nam" with bold style etc...


Now what is happening is that it's not able to find the part "Comp" in the KeywordSearch.




If I'm not mistaken w.Contains(k.Name) is the key part.

w"Compa"k.Name是KeywordSearch "Company""Name".因此,您要问"Compa"是否包含"Company"或"Name",这是错误的.

w is "Compa", k.Name is you KeywordSearch "Company" and "Name". So you're asking whether "Compa" contains "Company" or "Name", which is false.

k.Name.Contains(w)(如果您不希望区分大小写,则为k.Name.StartsWith(w, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))应该返回正确的结果.

k.Name.Contains(w) (or k.Name.StartsWith(w, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) if you don't want it to be case sensitive) should return the correct result.