根据另一列中的 4 个值创建新列

根据另一列中的 4 个值创建新列


我想根据另一列中的 4 个值创建一个新列.

I want to create a new column based on 4 values in another column.

if col1=1 then col2= G;
if col1=2 then col2=H;
if col1=3 then col2=J;
if col1=4 then col2=K.

我如何在 R 中执行此操作?请我需要有人帮助解决这个问题.我试过 if/else 和 ifelse 但似乎都没有工作.谢谢

HOW DO I DO THIS IN R? Please I need someone to help address this. I have tried if/else and ifelse but none seems to be working. Thanks

您有一个特殊情况,即查找索引为 1:4 整数的值.这意味着您可以通过一个简单的步骤使用矢量索引来解决您的问题.

You have a special case of looking up values where the index are integer numbers 1:4. This means you can use vector indexing to solve your problem in one easy step.


First, create some sample data:

dat <- data.frame(col1 = sample(1:4, 10, replace = TRUE))


Next, define the lookup values, and use [ subsetting to find the desired results:

values <- c("G", "H", "J", "K")
dat$col2 <- values[dat$col1]


   col1 col2
1     2    H
2     2    H
3     3    J
4     4    K
5     1    G
6     4    K
7     4    K
8     3    J
9     3    J
10    1    G


More generally, you can use [ subsetting combined with match to solve this kind of problem:

index <- c(1, 2, 3, 4)
values <- c("G", "H", "J", "K")
dat$col2 <- values[match(dat$col1, index)]
   col1 col2
1     2    H
2     2    H
3     3    J
4     4    K
5     1    G
6     4    K
7     4    K
8     3    J
9     3    J
10    1    G