




i want to print datareport between two dates. how its possible.

i wrote this command

DataEnvironment1.rsMycommand.Filter = " date>=# " & dtpicker1.value &" and date<=#" dtpicker2.value& "#" .i got this from one another site .

when i use this code its showing failed getting rowsets(s)from current data sourse.

please give me a solution.

Instead of copying code blindly from the web, you should try to resolve the issue and learn why the code you''re copying works or does not work. What is your database, because I''ve never seen the # syntax for dates. Try removing it. Then connect to your DB directly and run your intended SQL, the DB will give better errors. Finally, if you like to copy code blindly off the web, that''s one more reason to stop using VB6, it''s been dead for 10 years, always sucked, and has no real future prospects.