在python shell中运行telnet时出现错误消息

在python shell中运行telnet时出现错误消息



Below is a minimal example of my code, which If you run, should recreate the problem I have. One thing I have encounter that the error does not appear if my raspberry pi (the thing I am using teller to connect to) is turned off or the internet cable is unplugged.

import time
import telnetlib
import sys
import getpass

user = input("Please Enter Your Username: ")
pass_ = input("Please Enter Your Password: ")

bot = telnetlib.Telnet("")
bot.read_until("login: ".encode(),  timeout=None)
bot.write(user + "\n")
bot.read_until("Password: ".encode(),  timeout=None)
bot.write(pass_ + "\n")
bot.write("cd PiBits/ServoBlaster")


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/kiancross/Desktop/PROJECTS/RASPBERRY_PI/ROBOT/CONTROLLER_GUI/RPi_BOT_CONTROLLER.py", line 17, in <module>
    bot.write(user + "\n")
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/lib/python3.4/telnetlib.py", line 289, in write
    if IAC in buffer:
TypeError: 'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not bytes


I was running the following code which you can see in this post but as you can see from the answer I changed it to the code above which resulted in the above error message.


I should say that the code is no where near finished and a lot of things are just to test until I get telnet working!


我使用了 print(type(user))查看变量是什么类型,它们是字符串。我已尝试如此修复程序中所示 bot.write((user + \n)。encode(latin-1)),但错误消息仍然出现。我也尝试过用unicode编码。我知道该行的一部分编码错误,但是我不知道它是变量还是 \n 。我曾尝试做 bot.write(user + b \n),但这可以消除错误。

I have used print(type(user)) to see what kind the variables are and they are strings. I have tried bot.write((user + "\n").encode(latin-1)) as shown in this fix, but the error message still appears. I have also tried encoding in unicode. I understand that part of that line is encoded wrong but I don't know if it is the variables or the "\n". I have tried doing bot.write(user + b"\n") but this get rid of the error.


If anybody has any other methods that could stop this error, I would greatly appreciate them.


在python 3.4.0上运行的PS Im

P.S Im running on python 3.4.0



bot = telnetlib.Telnet("")
bot.write(user + "\n".encode('ascii'))
bot.read_until(b"Password: ")
bot.write((pass_ + "\n").encode('ascii'))


But I still get the same error.


bot = telnetlib.Telnet("")
bot.read_until(b"login: ")
bot.write(user + b"\n")
bot.read_until(b"Password: ")
bot.write(pass_ + b"\n")


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/kiancross/Desktop/PROJECTS/RASPBERRY_PI/ROBOT/CONTROLLER_GUI/RPi_BOT_CONTROLLER.py", line 23, in <module>
    bot.write(user + b"\n")
TypeError: Can't convert 'bytes' object to str implicitly


All the error seem to say that It needs to be a string but my variables are already strings.



The telnet interface probably wants to work in bytes not Unicode. I have tested this code on Python3 and it avoids the error:

import telnetlib
bot = telnetlib.Telnet("", 22)
user = "dobbs"
bot.write((user + "\n").encode('ascii'))