Oracle jdbc驱动程序是否支持SOCKS5代理?

Oracle jdbc驱动程序是否支持SOCKS5代理?


我试图确定Oracle JDBC驱动程序是否支持SOCKS代理.我找不到与此相关的任何文档.如果知道,请告知.

I am trying to figure out if Oracle JDBC driver supports SOCKS proxy or not. I am not finding any documentation related to this. Please let know if you are aware.

否Oracle JDBC驱动程序不支持SOCKS5代理.在即将发布的瘦驱动程序18.1版本中,将支持HTTPS代理和websocket.

No the Oracle JDBC driver doesn't support SOCKS5 proxy. In the soon to be release 18.1 version of the thin driver there will be support for HTTPS proxy and websocket.