如何在没有Apple Developer帐户的情况下在xcode 6中创建ipa?

如何在没有Apple Developer帐户的情况下在xcode 6中创建ipa?


需要为Ad-Hoc分发生成 .ipa 文件。客户端只提供了证书,私钥和配置文件,足以创建 .ipa 直到Xcode 5.但在Xcode 6.1中我导出为保存对于Ad Hoc Deployment ,它会给出消息

Need to generate .ipa file for Ad-Hoc distribution. Client has provided only certificates, private keys and provisioning profiles which were enough to create .ipa till Xcode 5. But in Xcode 6.1 when I export as Save For Ad Hoc Deployment it gives message

To save for Ad Hoc Deployment, you need to add an Apple ID account that is enrolled in the iOS Developer Program for the development team 'xxxxxxxxxx'

有没有办法在没有开发者帐户的情况下创建 .ipa 凭证?

Is there any way of creating .ipa without developer account credentials?

最后找到了一种方法来创建 .ipa build with xcodebuild 命令。

Finally found a way for creating .ipa build with xcodebuild command.

  1. 右键单击Organizer上的存档

  2. 点击在Finder中显示

  3. 您可以在Finder中看到 .xcarchive 文件。

  1. Right click on Archive on Organizer.
  2. Click Show in Finder.
  3. You can see .xcarchive file in Finder.

打开终端 cd .xcarchive 路径。

这将在桌面上保存 .ipa

xcodebuild -exportArchive -exportFormat ipa -archivePath <FILE_NAME>.xcarchive -exportPath ~/Desktop/<FILE_NAME>.ipa

仍在寻找更好的解决方案,不知道为什么Apple从Xcode 6中删除了这个功能:(

Still looking for better solution, don't know why Apple removed this feature from Xcode 6 :(