如何防止(延迟)OS(Windows 10)关闭Electron窗口?

如何防止(延迟)OS(Windows 10)关闭Electron窗口?


我已经使用electronic + node.js制作了一个桌面应用程序.有时Windows会执行自动更新并重新启动OS.我想防止Windows 10重新启动,直到在软件中保存数据(数据库处于联机状态,因此需要一些时间来存储数据)为止.

I have made a desktop application using electron + node.js. Sometimes Windows does automatic updates and restarts the OS. I want to prevent Windows 10 from restarting until the data is saved (database is online so it takes some time to store data) in software.


Right now, I am using the below code to prevent the window from closing. After data save I am calling ipcMain.on('',function()) method and make lockwindow to true then i am calling window close method. It is working when normally window close or use shortcut keys for a close window. But this event is not emitted in case of force close or studown/restart

mainWindow.on('close', event => {
        if (lockWindow) {
            mainWindow.webContents.send('save', '');
            mainWindow.webContents.once('dom-ready', () => {
                mainWindow.webContents.send('save', '');
        } else
            mainWindow = null


看看窗口事件,特别是 关闭之前卸载 .

Have a look at window events, specifically close and beforeunload.


You will have only limited time before the system restarts itself anyway.


If the OS or the user decides to kill your app, this is what is going to happen anyway (you can also upset / anger user for not playing nicely).


Lastly, would you like your application to be the reason why some crucial security updates did not install?