


根据链接 http:// www。 xyzws.com/Servletfaq/when-is-destroy-of-servlets-called/20 ,当servlet长时间没有请求时,调用destroy方法的原因之一是 / strong>。

As per the link http://www.xyzws.com/Servletfaq/when-is-destroy-of-servlets-called/20, one of the reason of calling destroy method is when the servlet hasn't got a request in a long time.


I was thinking there could be some pages that don't get called for a long time. So, does that mean destroy will be called and they will be no longer used?


Actually, I was asked this question in interview and he told me that destroy method will only be called when server is shut down.



在java servlet中, destroy()不应该被程序员调用。但是,如果调用它,它就会被执行。隐含的问题是,servlet会被销毁吗?不,它不会。 destroy()方法不应该也不会破坏java servlet。

In java servlet, destroy() is not supposed to be called by the programmer. But, if it is invoked, it gets executed. The implicit question is, will the servlet get destroyed? No, it will not. destroy() method is not supposed to and will not destroy a java servlet.

destroy()在java servlet中,内容在容器决定销毁servlet之前执行。但是如果您自己调用 destroy()方法,则会执行内容,然后继续相应的过程。对于这个问题, destroy()被执行,然后servlet初始化完成。

The meaning of destroy() in java servlet is, the content gets executed just before when the container decides to destroy the servlet. But if you invoke the destroy() method yourself, the content just gets executed and then the respective process continues. With respective to this question, the destroy() gets executed and then the servlet initialization gets completed.

destroy()方法,然后从容器中删除Servlet,最后进行垃圾回收。 destroy()方法通常包含释放任何资源(如JDBC连接)的代码,这些资源不会被垃圾回收。

destroy() method is invoked first, then Servlet is removed from the container and then eventually garbage collected. destroy() method generally contains code to free any resources like JDBC connection that will not be garbage collected.