


如果您能告诉我如何在 NSString 中转换十六进制字母,例如使用Objective-C将 @50A6C2改为小数。提前致谢。

I would appreciate it if you could tell me how I can convert hexadecimal letters within an NSString, e.g. @"50A6C2", to decimals using Objective-C. Thanks in advance.

最简单的方法是使用 NSScanner ,特别是方法 scanHexInt: scanHexLongLong:。另一种可能是从NSString获取C字符串,并使用C风格的函数,如 strtol (以16为基数)。

The easiest way is to use an NSScanner, specifically the methods scanHexInt: or scanHexLongLong:. Another possibility is to get the C string from the NSString and use C-style functions such as strtol (with base 16).