


我以前曾经问过这个问题,尽管在这些情况下,海报想加密公开的网站上的某些东西(通常是一个url),而这些回答主要是不要!。然而,在我的情况下,JavaScript将被存储在非公有内部系统中,所以我认为我有更多的余地。类似问题的一个例子是:如何加密网址在javascript中解密并在c#中解答 - 答案实际上并不回答这个问题。

I've seen this question asked before, though in these cases the poster wanted to encrypt something (usually a url) on a public facing website, and the responses were mostly "don't!". In my case, however, the JavaScript will be stored within a non-public internal system, so I think I have more leeway. One example of a similar question is: How to encrypt url in javascript and decrypt in c# - and the answers don't actually answer the question.


My 'JavaScript' is actually 'SuiteScript', which is defined as "SuiteScript is a JavaScript-based API that gives developers the ability to extend NetSuite", where NetSuite is a hosted CRM package, so any coding used to encrypt my string would be hidden to everyone, except for employees of my company (so considered safely hidden).


  1. 生成querystring(例如userid = guidValue& firstName = stringValue& company = stringValue& ...),

  2. 加密使用安全方法(如AES256,RSA,无论有人可以建议安全),

  3. 在我的基于C#的网站上调用网页,在网址中传递这个字符串(例如mysite。 com / mypage.aspx?encStr = encryptedString)

  4. 让C#页面解密,分开名称/值对并进行处理。

  1. generate a querystring (e.g. userid=guidValue&firstName=stringValue&company=stringValue&...),
  2. encrypt that using a secure method (such as AES256, RSA, whatever someone can suggest that's secure),
  3. call a webpage on my C# based website passing this string in the URL (e.g. mysite.com/mypage.aspx?encStr=encryptedString)
  4. have that C# page decrypt it, separate the name/value pairs and process them.


I've googled around and search *, but not found any articles or answers that provide clear instructions of an encryption method that can be used by both technologies. Does anyone have such instructions?


最简单的方法是使用图书馆作为斯坦福Javascript加密库,实施标准(在这种情况下为AES),在C#中使用相同的密码(通过 AesManaged AesCryptoServiceProvider )。


The simplest way is to use a library as the Stanford Javascript Crypto Library that implement a standard (AES in this case) and to use the same cipher in C# (via AesManaged or AesCryptoServiceProvider).


You'll get a symmetrical cipher but there nearly no more than one parameter (the key) to set for both libs to work.


You could also use an asymmetrical (Public-Key) cipher instead. An attacker getting it's hand on the javascript code would be able to send crafted requests to your server but won't be able to intercept other requests.

有一个实现 JavaScript中的RSA RSACryptoServiceProvider 类提供支持in .Net

There is an implementation of RSA in javascript and the RSACryptoServiceProvider class provide the support in .Net


A full example is available in Code project including a path to the RSA in javascript lib to support padding (mandatory when using the .Net implementation)


Both of theses solutions by themselves are vulnerable to replay (an attacker intercepting a string and sending it back later -- potentially multiple times -- to the server)