在Visual Studio中突出显示匹配的括号

在Visual Studio中突出显示匹配的括号


例如在Notepad ++中,当光标位于括号旁边时,它将在屏幕上突出显示相应的打开或关闭括号.

In Notepad++ for example when your cursor is next to a brace it will highlight the corresponding opening or closing brace on screen.

查看以下链接,了解我的意思的示例. http://www.atmel.com/webdoc/visualassist/visualassist._match.html

Check out the link below for a example as to what I mean. http://www.atmel.com/webdoc/visualassist/visualassist._match.html

Visual Studio如何做到这一点?

How can Visual Studio do this?

Visual Studio 2013 C#编辑器的括号突出显示.将光标放在括号的外部(而不是内部)以查看突出显示.

The Visual Studio 2013 C# editor has brace highlighting. Place the cursor on the outside of the brace, (not the inside) to see the highlight.


The default color is very subtle, use the Tools\Options\Fonts And Colors setting to apply a different highlight color.