C ++编辑器,编译器,调试器在Windows(比Visual Studio更轻)

C ++编辑器,编译器,调试器在Windows(比Visual Studio更轻)


什么是Visual Studio的一个好的替代品?

What would be a good alternative to Visual Studio ?


Free or non-free, but a free program definitely makes a better choice.


So what do you guys use ? If anything like that exist...

通过Editor,Compiler,Debugger a href =http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integrated_development_environment =nofollow noreferrer> IDE :

By "Editor, Compiler, Debugger", I'm taking you want an IDE:

  • Code::Blocks
  • Eclipse CDT
  • Emacs (Technically a text editor, but given the things you can do from within it...)
  • Geany
  • GNAT Programming Studio
  • NetBeans C/C++ Pack
  • vim (As with Emacs...)
  • Borland Turbo C++ Explorer
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express
  • Open Watcom C++
  • wxDev-C++