



I would like to know if there is a way of having NODE retrieve the MAC address(es) of the server on which it is running.


Node has no built-in was to access this kind of low-level data.

但是,您可以执行ifconfig并解析其输出,或者为节点编写C ++扩展,该扩展提供了检索mac地址的功能.甚至更简单的方法是阅读/sys/class/net/eth?/address:

However, you could execute ifconfig and parse its output or write a C++ extension for node that provides a function to retrieve the mac address. An even easier way is reading /sys/class/net/eth?/address:

var fs = require('fs'),
    path = require('path');
function getMACAddresses() {
    var macs = {}
    var devs = fs.readdirSync('/sys/class/net/');
    devs.forEach(function(dev) {
        var fn = path.join('/sys/class/net', dev, 'address');
        if(dev.substr(0, 3) == 'eth' && fs.existsSync(fn)) {
            macs[dev] = fs.readFileSync(fn).toString().trim();
    return macs;


该函数返回一个对象,其中包含所有eth*设备的mac地址.如果您想让所有设备都拥有一个,即使它们是称为wlan*,只需删除dev.substr(0, 3) == 'eth'检查.

The function returns an object containing the mac addresses of all eth* devices. If you want all devices that have one, even if they are e.g. called wlan*, simply remove the dev.substr(0, 3) == 'eth' check.