



I am new to asp and i am implementing a textbox for date using below input type

<input name="Txtdoa" type="date"  value="Date Of Arrival" id="Txtdoa" title="Date Of Arrival" class="water" style="width:100%;">


Can anyone tell me how to retrieve value from this input textbox display onto asp label using c#.Thank you in advance god bless you

在ASP.NET中,你没有TextBox控件,而是有一个输入字段。您可以使用ASP.NET的 Request 类在服务器端(代码隐藏)上获取其属性或值。

首先,您需要确保您尝试访问的输入字段是表单的一部分。由于只有表单在HTML元素内调用 submit 方法。以下是此类HTML代码的示例

In ASP.NET you don't have a TextBox control you have an input field instead. You can get its properties or values on the serverside (code behind) using the Request class of ASP.NET.

First you need to make sure, that the input field you're trying to access is a part of a form. Since only forms invoke submit method inside the HTML elements. Here is an example of such HTML code

<!-- method="post" is totally unrelated, don't fall for it -->
<form method="post">
  <input name="Txtdoa" type="date"  value="Date Of Arrival" id="Txtdoa" title="Date Of Arrival" class="water" style="width:100%;">
  <input type="submit" value="Submit" />


The above form has an input field (to get the date) and a submit button. Once submitted the form will be passed on to the server, with the input fields specified inside it. In this case, the input field for the date will be sent. Youc an get the value on the serverside, using the name of the field. Like this

// get the value of the object with name Txtdoa in the Request
var date = Request["Txtdoa"];
// use date variable inside the code where required. 

这是示例代码,您可以在ASP.NET官方网站上了解更多这方面的内容。 http://asp.net/web-pages [ ^ ]。他们有很多很酷的代码供您开始使用。

This is the example code, you can learn more of this stuff at ASP.NET official website. http://asp.net/web-pages[^]. They've got a lot of cool codes for you to get started.

首先,您希望访问服务器端的任何控件都必须包含runat =server标签

2nd -
first, any control you wish to access server side must include a runat="server" tag

2nd -
string getTextValues = Page.Request.Form["text1"].ToString();