RESTful API和Google Analytics(分析)

RESTful API和Google Analytics(分析)


我正在使用Python( Flask )运行 RESTful API .

I'm running an RESTful API with Python (Flask).


  • 已发出哪些请求
  • 这些请求何时发生
  • 发送回复花了多长时间

我想为此使用 Google Analytics(分析),因为它具有很好的仪表板和扩展的功能.

I want to use Google Analytics for this, because of it's nice dashboard and extended functionalities.

如何将Google Analytics(分析)实现为REST API?

How can I implement Google Analytics into a REST API?
OR does anyone know another tool/library that can be implemented?


  • a tracking app that uses MongoDB
  • the Google data API - but this is for reading GA data, not tracking the API?

实际上,有两种方法可以将服务器端数据发送到Google Analytics(分析).标准方法是GIF图片请求API,它与ga.js在客户端使用的API相同. Google已开始开发一种称为Measurement Protocol的新REST API,但这仅在开发人员预览版中.

There are actually two ways to send server-side data to Google Analytics. The standard method is the GIF Image Request API, which is the same API that ga.js uses on the client-side. Google has started developing a new REST API known as the Measurement Protocol, but this is only in developer preview.



There are a few issues to work through when trying to send server-side data to GA.

就像上面提到的@mehaase一样,gif API从请求中获取IP地址,因此所有服务器端请求都将以用户身份出现在服务器位置.测量协议也不允许您更改请求的IP .我将在此答案中使用公开可用的gif API.

Like @mehaase pointed out above, the gif API takes the ip address from the request, so all of your server-side requests will appear as users coming from the location of your servers. The measurement protocol doesn't let you change the request's ip either. I'll assume the publicly available gif API in this answer.

另一个问题是gif端点需要客户端cookie.您可以在每个请求上伪造此Cookie,但这会使每个事件看起来像一个新访客.只要将服务器端API和网站保留在单独的Google Analytics(分析)配置文件中,就可以了.

Another issue is that the gif endpoint requires a client-side cookie. You can fake this cookie on every request but this will cause each event to look like a new visitor. That's fine as long as you keep the server-side API and website in separate Google Analytics profiles.


Also beware that Google can take up to an hour to show your events once you've sent them. This can make debugging a bit painful, so be patient.

以下是 GA中每个变量的分类Cookie的意思是,还有一个好的node.js将服务器端数据发送到GA的示例.



Even though GA is excellent for tracking website metrics, it's not built for tracking server-side events. A category of analytics known as event tracking is the perfect application for restful API usage tracking.


The API generally looks like this:

analytics.track('API Response', {
    method  : 'POST',
    endpoint: '/comments'
    duration: 124
    status  : 500

并允许您查看有关每个事件和事件属性的频率和分布的报告.您可以回答以下问题:今天发生了多少个/comment API调用?几百个?有多少个响应高于200毫秒?等

And lets you see reports on the frequencies and distributions of each event and event property You can answer questions like: how many /comments API calls happened today? How many were 200s? How many had a response higher than 200ms? etc.


Here are some event tracking tools that can help you do this:

  1. 混合面板
  2. KissMetrics
  3. Keen.IO
  1. Mixpanel
  2. KissMetrics
  3. Keen.IO

我是 的联合创始人,该公司为客户端提供了简单的API,服务器端和移动分析.我们让您从python,php,ruby,node,java,.net,javascript和iOS发送数据,然后将其转发到Google Analytics(分析),Mixpanel,KissMetrics,Keen.IO或任何其他受支持的服务,而无需您必须学习他们的API.

I'm the co-founder of, a company that provides a simple API for client-side, server-side and mobile analytics. We let you send data from python, php, ruby, node, java, .net, javascript, and iOS, and we'll forward it to Google Analytics, Mixpanel, KissMetrics, Keen.IO, or any of our other supported services without you having to learn their API.


And finally, here's an article from our analytics academy that explains why event tracking is useful.