应用程序加载器 - 您的 Apple ID 或密码输入错误 - iOS

应用程序加载器 - 您的 Apple ID 或密码输入错误 - iOS


我正在尝试在 iTunes Store 上上传应用程序,我尚未注册 apple 开发者帐户,但我的客户授予我管理员访问权限,因为他拥有开发者帐户.我正在尝试通过 Application Loader 上传.我尝试使用特定于应用程序的密码登录,但我不断收到错误:

I am trying to upload an app on iTunes Store, I have not enrolled in apple developer account but my client give admin access to me as he has a developer account. I am trying to upload via Application Loader. I tried to signin with the app-specific password but I keep getting the error:

您输入的 Apple ID 或密码不正确"

"Your Apple ID or password was entered incorrectly"

即使我 100% 确定我的凭据是正确的.

even though I am 100% certain that my credentials are correct.


After resetting my password, the problem persists. is anything wrong?

我在使用自己的 Apple ID 帐户时遇到了这个问题.尽管我是团队成员和管理员,但 Application Loader 拒绝接受我的密码,直到我将我的帐户指定为团队代理.

I had this problem while I was using my own Apple ID account. Although I was a team member and admin, Application Loader refused to accept my password until I assigned my account to be the Team Agent.