


我在 MVC5 SignalR $ c中玩开放身份验证 $ C>。我使用javascript客户端在 SignalR 上调用一个简单的服务器方法,并从Server接收回复。它运行良好,但如果我添加 [Authorize] 标记,它甚至不会调用服务器方法(调试时没有得到任何响应)。

I was playing with the open authentication in MVC5 and SignalR. I use a javascript client to call a simple server method on SignalR and receive a reply from Server. It works well, but if I add the [Authorize] tag, it does not even call the server method (did not get any response while debugging).


My assumption was the server will use the Authentication mechanism to challenge the client. Am I missing anything? Do I have to manually authenticate the user from the client side and if so how do I pass the authentication token?


    public class AuthChatHub : Hub
        public void Ping()
            Clients.Caller.Pong("Connection is FINE!!");

            Clients.Caller.Pong(Context.User == null 
              ? "Null user" 
              : Context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated.ToString());

这是我的 Startup.Auth .cs

    public void ConfigureAuth(IAppBuilder app)

这是 Startup.cs ,使用代码启用CORS。

Here's the Startup.cs, using the code to enable CORS.

public partial class Startup
        public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
            ConfigureAuth(app); //added this after a suggestion here, not sure if this is the right place. 

            app.Map("/signalr", map =>
                var hubConfiguration = new HubConfiguration
                    // EnableJSONP = true //empty for now


最后这个客户端边代码调用 hub 方法并侦听服务器RPC。

And finally this client side code calls the hub method and listens to the server RPC.

this.sendMessage = () => {
this.authChat.client.pong = (message) => { console.log(message); };

您必须像使用表格或Windows身份验证一样use是任何其他asp.net应用程序。一旦通过身份验证,您的呼叫将以与在集线器上放置 [授权] 属性之前相同的方式工作。

You have to use Forms or windows authentication as you would use is any other asp.net application. Once you are authenticated your calls would work in the same way as they did before you putting [Authorize]attribute on the hub.


SignalR does not itself deal with authentication.


You will have to authenticate first then send the token to server, I think this link can help you achieve what you want to do.