如何在不使用浏览器的情况下从.NET Web服务代码从OKTA获取SAML令牌?

如何在不使用浏览器的情况下从.NET Web服务代码从OKTA获取SAML令牌?


我们有由Kendo UI和后端.NET Web服务构建的混合移动应用程序.来自UI的所有调用都是通过ajax进行的.现在我们需要将应用程序集成到OKTA以进行用户身份验证,但是不确定如何直接从Web服务调用中从OKTA获取SAML令牌.

We have hybrid mobile app built by Kendo UI and backend .NET web service. All the calls from UI is through ajax. Now we need to integrate app to OKTA for user authentication, but not sure how to get SAML token from OKTA directly from web service call.


We implemented call to ADFS (active endpoint) from web service to get SAML token by using windows identity framework already and it works.


If anybody can share experience or point out the solution, it will be much appreciated!


You can use the following sequence to obtain the SAML assertion:


1) You can use /api/v1/authn to establish get a sessiontoken. This will require user credentials. A sample request would look like:

  "username": "john.doe@foo.com",
  "password": "myPa$$word",
  "relayState": "/myapp/some/deep/link/i/want/to/return/to",
  "options": {
  "multiOptionalFactorEnroll": false,
  "warnBeforePasswordExpired": false


Response will return a sessionToken value.

2)现在使用该值作为输入,您可以使用/api/v1/sessions?additionalFields = cookieToken返回cookieToken

2) Now use that value as input, you can use /api/v1/sessions?additionalFields=cookieToken to return a cookieToken


  "sessionToken": "1234123DGSABDaSDBasdbaasbdasdb-ABCDEAERasdlzxk"


Response will contain a cookieToken value

3)现在,您可以使用将触发SAML的应用程序SSO URL-并在末尾附加一次性cookietoken以获取SAML断言.如果将此URL粘贴到浏览器中,它将实际上使您登录到启用SAML的应用程序.

3) Now you can use the app SSO URL that would trigger SAML - and attach the one-time cookietoken at the end to get the SAML assertion. If you paste this URL in the browser, it will actually log you into the SAML-enabled app.


https://myorg.okta.com/home/salesforce/0oa31deg4ABCDEFGHIJ/46?onetimetoken = 1234123DGSABDaSDBasdbaasbdasdb-ABCDEAERasdlzxk