



I have the following form. I like the new HTML5 form validation and I would prefer to keep it. However. I don't like the way that when the button is pressed it refreshes the page (form submit).

相反,我更喜欢使用按钮触发一些AJAX来刷新页面元素而不刷新整个页面。但是,当我设置 type =button时,按下按钮时HTML5表单验证将停止触发。

Instead I would prefer to use the button to trigger some AJAX to refresh page elements without refreshing the entire page. However, when I set type="button" what happens is that the HTML5 form validation ceases to trigger when the button is pressed.



Note that I'm not concerned with the AJAX elements of this problem, just the HTML5 validation issue.

echo "<form>";
echo "<td><input id=\"link_add_title\" type=\"text\" class=\"form-control\" placeholder=\"URL Title\"></td>";
echo "<td><input id=\"link_add_url\" type=\"url\" class=\"form-control\" placeholder=\"Your URL\"></td>";
echo "<td><input id=\"link_add_budget\" type=\"number\" step=\"any\" class=\"form-control\" placeholder=\"Budget\"></td>";
echo "<td><button class=\"btn btn-sm btn-success\"><i class=\"fa fa-check\"></i> Add</button></td>";
echo "</form>";


This way you prevent actual submit, but HTML5 validation triggers:




Samveen 指出,这种方式应该优先于听取< button> onclick 事件> / < input type =submit> 元素,因为后者除了正常表单提交外还会阻止HTML5验证 - 看小提琴

As Samveen points out, this way should be preferred over listening to the onclick event of the <button>/<input type="submit"> element, because the latter would prevent HTML5 validation in addition to normal form submit - see fiddle.