



So i want to send a announcement to all the servers my bot is in. I found this on github, but it requires a server id and a channel id.

async def on_ready():
    server = bot.get_server("server id")
    await bot.send_message(bot.get_channel("channel id"), "Test")


I also found a similar question, but it is in discord.js. It says something with default channel, but when i tried:

async def on_ready():
    await bot.send_message(discord.Server.default_channel, "Hello everyone")


It gave me the error: Destination must be Channel, PrivateChannel, User, or Object

首先要回答您的问题关于 default_channel :自2017年6月起,discord不再定义默认渠道,因此, default_channel 服务器的元素通常设置为无。

Firstly to answer your question about default_channel: Since about June 2017, discord no longer defines a "default" channel, and as such, the default_channel element of a server is usually set to None.

其次,通过说 discord.Server.default_channel ,您要求类定义的元素,而不是实际的渠道。要获得实际的频道,您需要一个服务器实例。

Secondly, by saying discord.Server.default_channel, you're asking for an element of the class definition, not an actual channel. To get an actual channel, you need an instance of a server.


Now to answer the original question, which is to send a message to every channel, you need to find a channel in the server that you can actually post messages in.

async def on_ready():
    for server in bot.servers: 
        # Spin through every server
        for channel in server.channels: 
            # Channels on the server
            if channel.permissions_for(server.me).send_messages:
                await bot.send_message(channel, "...")
                # So that we don't send to every channel: