



So trying to create a relatively (I thought) simple setup in groovy, and missing a couple of bits.


Basically I am trying to create a webpage with three panes, a title, left side bar and a main window. The title stays as it is, the left pain has a controller for generating reports, the right side shows the output. So far so good, but there are two or potentially three commands or features I do not seem to be able to master, searched but the search therms I used comes up with little useful.


So, first the main .gsp, the one that I would suspect loads the structure. Created a controller and view called calllog. The controller is empty, while the index.gsp contains the following.

  <meta name='layout' content='call-log'/>
<title>Call log</title>
    <div id="CallLogo"><H1>Call Logger</H1></div>
    <div id="controller">
    <object type="text/html" data="dbstats/index">

    <g:link controller="dbstats" action="index">This is something</g:link>
    <div id="output">Your output here</div>


Here is my first issue, it does not seem like it is creating the div sections I am expecting, it just outputs it. Secondly, the does not seem to load, and I have not been able to find a operator.


    <!doctype html>

        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
        <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
        <title><g:layoutTitle default="call-log"/></title>
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
        <asset:stylesheet src="calllog.css"/>
        <asset:javascript src="call-log.js"/>
        <div class="CallLogo" id="CallLogo" role="banner"><a href=""><asset:image src="call.png" alt="call.png"/></a></div>
        <div id="controller" class="controller" role="contentinfo"></div>
        <div id="output" class="output" style="display:none;"><g:message code="spinner.alt" default="Loading&hellip;"/></div>


The next problem I have, which may have the same answer is, how do I call (or do a call back) to a action. So, the dbstats controller will provide a menu, once you press submit, it will call a submit class which stores some data, what I want to be able to do is to get that pane to go back to index, while also start a process to generate output to the "body" pane.

=============更新:向前一步两步... ============ ========

=============UPDATE: One step forward Two steps ... ==================== So getting closer, managed to solve the issues with the layout and divs, did not help that I was editing the wrong CSS file as well.


|             Logo            |
| Con |          Output       |
| tro |                       |
| lle |                       |
| r   |                       |
|     |                       |


I managed to update so that the Controller function loads correctly, and there is a list and a submit button and all.

但是,我不能想出的是。一旦按下提交按钮,我已经读取信息我不知道(现在工作),我如何获取控制器重新加载作为controller =dbstatsaction =索引到div控制器和调用函数用另一个控制器更新输出,例如controller = generateGraph action = graph。尝试与重定向告诉我:

However, what I can't figure out is. Once the Submit button is pressed, and I have read the info I wan't (that works now), how do I either get the Controller reloaded as controller="dbstats" action="index" into the div Controller and call a function to update Output with another controller, say controller=generateGraph action=graph. Tried with redirect which told me:


The code of submitform looks like this currently

def submitForm() {
def postIds = params.list('userform').get(0)
for ( e in session.users) {
    session[e] = "False"
postIds.each() { postId ->
    if ( postId.value == "1" ) {
        session[postId.key] = "True"
        //render {
            //div(id: "Output", "Will do ${postId.key}<BR>")
    redirect(action: "CallLog")

无法发出重定向(..)已经重定向响应.. Stacktrace如下:

} All that giver me is Cannot issue a redirect(..) here. A previous call to redirect(..) has already redirected the response.. Stacktrace follows: Message: Cannot issue a redirect(..) here. A previous call to redirect(..) has already redirected the response.

很高兴重绘整个网页ID。 >

<!doctype html>

        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
        <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
        <title><g:layoutTitle default="call-log"/></title>
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
        <asset:stylesheet src="calllog.css"/>
        <asset:javascript src="call-log.js"/>

<div id="siteWrapper">
        <div class="CallLogo" id="CallLogo" role="banner"><a href=""><asset:image src="call.png" alt="call.png"/></a></div>
        <div id="controller" class="controller" role="contentinfo"></div>
        <div id="output" class="output" style="display:none;"><g:message code="spinner.alt" default="Loading&hellip;"/></div>



  <meta name='layout' content='call-log'/>
<title>Call log</title>
    <div id="CallLogo"><H1>Call Logger</H1></div>
    <div id="controller">
    <object type="text/html" data="dbstats/index">

    <g:link controller="dbstats" action="index">This is something</g:link>
    <div id="output">Your output here</div>

    <a  onclick="<g:remoteFunction controller="Something"  action="SomeAction" id="${yourId }" update="siteWreapper"/>"><b>click to update entire site content within body tags</b><br/>


另一种方法是使用javascript get

Another way is to use javascript get


其中appowner是div ID,结果将更新get可以是getJSON

where appowner is the div ID the result will update the get can be getJSON

remoteFunction with params:

remoteFunction with params:

<button  id=boxbtn onclick="<g:remoteFunction controller="yourcontroller"  action="br" update="siteContent"  id="${some?.id}"  params="${[s:'e',viewtype:'na']}"/>">some action</button>