


如何将以下Json Response转换为C#对象?

How can I convert the following Json Response to a C# object?

    { "err_code": "0", "org": "CGK", "des": "SIN", "flight_date": "20120719",

] }


First create a class to represent your json data.

public class MyFlightDto
    public string err_code { get; set; }
    public string org { get; set; } 
    public string flight_date { get; set; }
    // Fill the missing properties for your data

使用Newtonsoft JSON序列化器反序列化json字符串对应的类对象.

var jsonInput = "{ org:'myOrg',des:'hello'}"; 
MyFlightDto flight = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MyFlightDto>(jsonInput);

或使用JavaScriptSerializer将其转换为类(不推荐使用,因为newtonsoft json序列化器的性能似乎更好).

Or Use JavaScriptSerializer to convert it to a class(not recommended as the newtonsoft json serializer seems to perform better).

string jsonInput="have your valid json input here"; //
JavaScriptSerializer jsonSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
Customer objCustomer  = jsonSerializer.Deserialize<Customer >(jsonInput)


Assuming you want to convert it to a Customer classe's instance. Your class should looks similar to the JSON structure (Properties)