如何只使用CLI在Linux上安装Android SDK?

如何只使用CLI在Linux上安装Android SDK?


我设置了​​一个自动生成的服务器,并需要安装一个Android SDK。我在工作过程中通过SSH。但工具/ Android的更新SDK 要启动Java GUI。任何其他方式来安装SDK?

I'm setting up an auto build server, and need to install an Android SDK. I'm working over SSH, of course. But tools/android update sdk wants to start a Java GUI. Any other way to install an SDK?

如果您使用工具/ Android的-h更新SDK (我发现,试图工具/ Android的更新SDK --help ),您将获得为更新SDK 命令选项的列表中,最有趣的是

If you use tools/android -h update sdk (I discovered that by trying tools/android update sdk --help), you will get a list of options for the update sdk command, the most interesting one being:

  -u --no-ui    Updates from command-line (does not display the GUI)