



Is it possible to detect a mouse click anywhere on a screen, outside of my application?


I have written an application to do this in C#, but would like to write a version of this in Java so that it can be run on several platforms.

看起来我可以随时获得鼠标的坐标 java.awt.MouseInfo.getPointerInfo()但我不知道如何监听鼠标点击。

It looks like I can get the co-ordinates of the mouse at any time with java.awt.MouseInfo.getPointerInfo() but I am not sure as to how to listen for a mouse click.

在C#中,我使用 GetAsyncKeyState 来检测鼠标按钮是否被点击,但显然我不能使用这个,如果我想保持这个干净在多个平台使用。

In C# I used GetAsyncKeyState to detect whether the mouse button was clicked, but obviously I cannot use this if I wish to keep this "clean" for use in multiple platforms.


You can do this only with platform specific implementation of the OS API, as you can't detect clicks outside from your program in your program itself.


While you won't get around writing platform specific code, just abstract it as an interface and use different implementations appropiately.