



I have the following code, should be easy to follow through

public class Foo
    public void FooHasAMethod()
        Console.WriteLine("it is me, foo!!!");

public class Bar
    public Foo FooProperty { get; set; }

public class FooBar
    public static void Main()
        Bar bar = new Bar{ FooProperty = new Foo() };
        CallPropertyByName(bar, "Foo");

    public static void CallPropertyByName(Bar bar, string propertyName)
        PropertyInfo pi = bar.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName + "Property");
        object fooObj = pi.GetValue(bar, null);
        ((Foo)fooObj).FooHasAMethod(); // this works
        /* but I want to use 
         * ((Type.GetType(propertyName))fooObj).FooHasAMethod(); This line needs fix
         * which doesnt work
         * Is there a way to type cast using a string name of a object?
         * */

Type fooObjType = fooObj.GetType();
MethodInfo method = fooObjType.GetMethod("FooHasAMethod");
method.Invoke(fooObj, new object[0]);