在C ++中,当我需要使用枚举时,如何避免#include头文件?

在C ++中,当我需要使用枚举时,如何避免#include头文件?


在我的C ++头文件中,我尝试使用向前声明(类MyClass;),而不是#include类头,正如许多C ++编码标准中推荐的那样(Google C ++ Style Guide是一个)。

In my C++ header files I try to use forward declarations (class MyClass;) instead of #including the class header, as recommended in many C++ coding standards (the Google C++ Style Guide is one).


Unfortunately, when I introduce enumerations, I can't do the forward declaration any more. Like this:

//// myclass1.hpp ////

class MyClass1
    enum MyEnum1
        Enum_A, Enum_B, Enum_C

//// myclass2.hpp ////

// I want to avoid this
#include "myclass1.hpp"

// I'd prefer to do this (forward declaration)
class MyClass1;

class MyClass2
    // This is o.k.: I only need to forward declare MyClass1
    MyClass1* ptr;

    // This forces me to #include, but I don't want to!
    void func( MyClass1::MyEnum1 e );


The best solution I can think of so far is to replace enums with member constants:

//// myclass1.hpp  ////

    static const int Enum_A;
    static const int Enum_B;
    static const int Enum_C;

//// myclass1.cpp ////

const int Enum_A = 1;
const int Enum_B = 2;
const int Enum_C = 3;


In this case, though, the solution seems worse than the problem.

我目前正在通过大规模C ++软件设计(Lakos)和使用传统代码(Feathers)查看依赖打破技术,但是我还没有找到一个好的解决方案。

I'm currently looking through Large Scale C++ Software Design (Lakos) and Working Effectively with Legacy Code (Feathers) for dependency breaking techniques, but I haven't found a good solution yet.

你不能转发declare枚举值 - 完成疯狂的道路。

You cannot forward declare enum values - and your workaround is a step down the path to complete madness.


Are you experiencing any major compilation slowdowns caused by #including headers? If not, just #include them. Use of forward declarations is not "best practice" it is a hack.