



for a multiline textinput, when user press enter key, I want to achieve the goals:

  • 当用户按下回车键时保持文本输入焦点.
  • 防止添加新行.


i have't see any props what can do it, anyone has ideas?

react-native 版本为 0.28+,需要支持 ios 和 android.

react-native version is 0.28+, need supports ios and android.

在 TextInput 中传递 props

In TextInput passing the props

blurOnSubmit = {true} 然后在 onBlur 道具中使用 ref 聚焦 textInput 字段,这两个将阻止输入新行并且焦点保留在文本输入字段上.如果只想防止用户输入换行符 blurOnSubmit = {true} 就足够了

blurOnSubmit = {true} and then in onBlur props focus the textInput field using ref,these two will prevents from entering a new line and the focus is retained on the text input field. If you want only to prevent the user from entering a newline blurOnSubmit = {true} is sufficient


The drawback here is you can see keyboard hides for a moment then pops up. Its bit like a hack. Hope someone can come up with another or improvise this