


我使用 Xunit 和 Moq 进行单元测试.到目前为止,我能够成功地模拟和测试来自接口的方法.但是我应该如何模拟和测试我无法控制的类的方法.类没有接口,方法也不是虚拟的.

I'm using Xunit and Moq for unit testing. So far I was able to succesfully mock and test methods from interfaces. But how am I supposed to mock and test the methods of a class that I have no control over. The class has no interface and the methods are not virtual.

我研究了 Type Mock Isolator,但我无法完成这项工作,而且这也不是一个可行的解决方案,因为它是付费的并且只有 14 天的试用期,我需要长期这样做.

I looked into Type Mock Isolator, but I could not make that work, and also that is not a feasible solution because it's paid and only has a 14 day trial, and I need to do this long term.



Create a wrapper for the dependency. You don't need to test the implementation of code you didn't write. Mock the dependency wrapper with the anticipated or hypothetical outputs.

public sealed class SomeBadDependency
    public int CalculateSuperSecretValue(int inputX, int inputY)
        return Math.Max(inputX, inputY);

public interface IDependencyWrapper
    int CalculateSuperSecretValue(int inputX, int inputY);

public sealed class DependencyWrapper : IDependencyWrapper
    private readonly SomeBadDependency _someBadDependency;

    public DependencyWrapper(SomeBadDependency someBadDependency)
        _someBadDependency = someBadDependency;
    public int CalculateSuperSecretValue(int inputX, int inputY)
        return _someBadDependency.CalculateSuperSecretValue(inputX, inputY);

public sealed class YourCode
    private readonly IDependencyWrapper _dependencyWrapper;

    public YourCode(IDependencyWrapper dependencyWrapper)
        _dependencyWrapper = dependencyWrapper;

    public decimal CalculateYourValue(decimal inputX, decimal inputY)
        return _dependencyWrapper.CalculateSuperSecretValue((int) inputX, (int) inputY);