



I'm trying to add in a subroutine that will delete the legend entries for series with blank names, in a line graph. Blank names arise when the series in question is disabled, this is done via another routine.


I've been using the code below but I end up losing the legend entries for series that don't have blank names, and I'm unsure of where I'm going wrong? For reference I have five series in total.

  Sub LegendRemover()
  Dim i As Integer
  Dim chtob As ChartObject
  On Error Resume Next

  Call Open_Results

      Set chtob = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 8")
      For i = chtob.Chart.SeriesCollection.Count To 1 Step -1
      If chtob.Chart.SeriesCollection(i).Name = "" Then
        End If
      Next i

End Sub



here's the issue, when the code runs the first time, it works.


however, since you've deleted legend entries, the count of legend entries no longer matches the count of series collections.


here's a visual, let's say the name for series 2 is blank, before first run...

series blank legend
1      n     1
2      y     2
3      n     3
4      n     4


after the first run, since legend 2 was deleted, 3 now becomes 2.

series blank legend
1      n     1
2      y     2
3      n     3
4      n


on the next run, original legend 3, now 2, is deleted, and so on...

series blank legend
1      n     1
2      y     2
3      n
4      n


您可以在该系列上使用 IsFiltered 属性。

IsFiltered 是真实的,行和图例都将被隐藏,但不会被删除。


rather than deleting the legend,
you can use the IsFiltered property on the series.
when IsFiltered is true, both the line and legend will be hidden, but not removed.
and can be shown later, if the name is added back...


see following snippet...

Sub LegendRemover()
  Dim chtob As ChartObject
  Dim seriesLine As series

  Set chtob = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 8")
  For Each seriesLine In chtob.Chart.SeriesCollection
    seriesLine.IsFiltered = (seriesLine.Name = "")
  Next seriesLine
End Sub