



I am getting an dynamic object of type "Sealed Class" from a driver api (in dll). I want to decorate this object with a few additional properties.


public void expandIT(dynamic sealedObject) {

    ExpandoObject expand = new ExpandoObject(sealedObject);
    expand.time = DateTime.Now();



I like JCL's solution. But for what I wanted to do, it was easier to create a ExpandoObject and then embed the Dynamic sealed class object as a child property, and then add my properties to the parent ExpandoObject. Thanks JCL, I was in brain-freeze as to how to do this. I

不。 A 动态对象并不强制在编译时的类型,但它不会神奇地让你的对象扩展(除非它是一个 ExpandoObject )。

Nope. A dynamic object doesn't enforce the type at compile time, but it doesn't magically make your object expandable (unless it's an ExpandoObject).

您可以但是,让使用某种包装或代理的 DynamicObject ...是这样的:

You can however, make some kind of wrapper or proxy using DynamicObject... something like:

public class ExpandedObjectFromApi : DynamicObject
    private Dictionary<string, object> _customProperties = new Dictionary<string, object>();
    private object _currentObject;

    public ExpandedObjectFromApi(dynamic sealedObject)
      _currentObject = sealedObject;

    private PropertyInfo GetPropertyInfo(string propertyName) 
       return _currentObject.GetType().GetProperties().FirstOrDefault
        (propertyInfo => propertyInfo.Name == propertyName); 

    public override bool TryGetMember(GetMemberBinder binder, out object result)
      var prop = GetPropertyInfo(binder.Name);
      if(prop != null)
         result = prop.GetValue(_currentObject);
         return true;
      result = _customProperties[binder.Name];
      return true;          

    public override bool TrySetMember(GetMemberBinder binder, object value)
      var prop = GetPropertyInfo(binder.Name);
      if(prop != null)
         prop.SetValue(_currentObject, value);
         return true;
        _customProperties[binder.Name] = value;
        _customProperties.Add(binder.Name, value);
      return true;          


And then you can use it like:

dynamic myExpandedObject = new ExpandedObjectFromApi(sealedObject);


This should return the original object properties if found, or if no property of that name is in the original object, it'll add it as a "custom" property.


I've made the code in the Stack Overflow editor and probably made a lot of mistakes, it's not suitable for copy/paste, and it needs tons of error checking (also needs to implement fields and methods, if the received object has them). Just wrote it so you get the basic idea.

您可能还需要增加一个特殊的属性(一种叫做 WrappedObject ,例如)和捕捉它在 TryGetMember ,这样你就可以得到原来的对象了。

You also may want to add a special property (something called WrappedObject, for example) and capture it in TryGetMember, so you can get the original object back.