如何使用Google App脚本开发Progressive Web App

如何使用Google App脚本开发Progressive Web App



I developed a few appllications with google app script and deployed them as Web apps they are all working fine.Then I decided to convert them to PWA's.The reason was to make them installable on smart phone User's Home Screen, being able to use push notifications, cacheing e.t.c. (All the advantages that PWA's offer in short.)


I started learning about PWA's. As a result I came to a conclusion that I need a maifest.json file that browsers dowload , a service-worker.js that again browswers download and run.

不幸的是,应用程序脚本开发环境不允许添加带有* .json和* .js扩展名的文件.

Unfortunately, app script development environment does not allow to add files with *.json and *.js extensions.


So, does that mean I can't convert my google app script web apps to PWA's?



A theoretical solution would be include the files inline, somehow like this for the manifest (taken from this answer)

<link rel="manifest" href='data:application/manifest+json,{ "name": "theName", "short_name": "shortName", "description": "theDescription"}' />


and for the service workers just including directly the tag; but service workers must be by nature independent from the page (see here).


So we could try to serve them through doGet(e). BUT unfortunately is not possible at current time, since you'd need to foreign fetch the service worker, but Foreign Fetch has been removed from Service Workers see this other reply for more details