在负载执行一个JavaScript Modalbox JavaScript的code(和内部)

在负载执行一个JavaScript Modalbox JavaScript的code(和内部)


什么,我究竟要做的是让我的script.aculo.us Autocompleter工作,为我的形式时,它是一个Modalbox对象中加载。

What i'm exactly trying to do is make my script.aculo.us Autocompleter work for my form when it is loaded inside a Modalbox object.

当然,我已经尽我Autocompleter装的形式作为独立的时候,它工作得如预期。作为参考,这是我的JS code加载功能:

Of course, i've tried my Autocompleter when loading the form as standalone and it works just as expected. For reference, here is my JS code loading the feature:

Event.observe(window, 'load', function() { 
new Ajax.Autocompleter("gl_name", "autocomplete_choices", "<? echo WEB_ROOT . $page_name; ?>?action=ajax_autocomplete", {
    paramName: "value",
    minChars: 2,
    indicator: 'indicator1',
    afterUpdateElement: getSelectionIdGL


Then I have my Autocompleter div and indicator which appear at the end of my html's body:

<span id="indicator1" style="display: none">
    <img src="/images/spinner.gif" alt="Working..." />
<div id="autocomplete_choices" class="autocomplete"></div>


I also called the Modalbox() with evalScripts: true.


So I basically know where my problem is: I want my autocompleters to be created a the load of the form, but the "window" object is already loaded when the script is written since it's basically the same window as the calling page.


That said, I honestly don't see to which event it could ever be actually triggered. I don't even know if it's actually possible, but I certainly hope it is.


So.. that's about it. I don't know what else to add. Don't hesitate if you need any clarifications on my issue.

您知道modalbox的的回调函数的? 您可以使用负荷一个创建autocompleter。

Are you aware of modalbox's callback functions? You can use the afterLoad one to create the autocompleter.