



<input id="inp" type="text"


But this code works as I wish it to work:

<input id="inp" type="text"
onfocus="(function(e){document.getElementById('inp').style.background ='yellow';}(this)">


Why doesn't the first code work?

第一个不起作用,因为它被括在括号中,因此它是一个函数表达式",而不是一个函数声明".表达式旨在评估",因此当您的元素获得焦点时,将评估该表达式,但不会调用该表达式.此外,您在双引号中嵌套了双引号,这会导致语法错误 ("yellow").那些需要改为单引号.

The first doesn't work because it is wrapped in parenthesis and therefore it is a function "expression", rather than a function "declaration". Expressions are meant to be "evaluated", so when your element gets the focus, the expression is evaluated, but not invoked. Also, you have double-quotes nested within double-quotes, which would cause a syntax error ("yellow"). Those would need to be changed to single quotes.

第二个有效,因为表达式"立即被第二组括号 (this) 调用.

The second works because the "expression" is immediately invoked by the second set of parenthesis (this).

但是,应避免使用这两种语法.不要使用内联 HTML 事件属性来连接事件处理回调函数,因为它们:

However, both syntaxes should be avoided. Don't use inline HTML event attributes to wire up event handling callback functions because they:

  • 创建难以阅读并导致重复的意大利面条式代码代码
  • 创建改变this 绑定的全局包装函数功能
  • 不要遵循 W3C DOM 事件 标准
  • create spaghetti code that is hard to read and leads to duplication of code
  • create global wrapper functions that alter the this binding in the function
  • don't follow the W3C DOM Event standard

相反,用 JavaScript 编写您的事件处理程序:

Instead, write your event handlers in JavaScript:

// Get a reference to the DOM element
var input = document.getElementById("inp");

// Wire up an event handler
input.addEventListener("focus", function(e){
  input.style.background ='yellow';

<input id="inp" type="text">