


我需要一种使UIPageViewController重用控制器以节省内存的方法,因为我要显示大量的页面! 我做了UIPageViewController的基本实现,但是无法使控制器可重用,请咨询!

I need a way to make UIPageViewController reuse controllers to save memory, because I have a huge number of pages to show! I did the basic implementation of the UIPageViewController but couldn't manage to make controller reusable, please advice!


To solve this problem in my current project, I cache all view controllers that are created as pages for the UIPageViewController in a Set. Whenever the UIPageViewController requests a new view controller from its data source, I filter out an unused from that cache by checking the parentViewController property; if no unused view controller is available, a new one is created.


My setup of the UIPageViewController and the cache looks similar to this:

class MyPageViewController: UIPageViewController {
    private var reusableViewControllers = Set<MyViewController>()
    init() {
      super.init(/* ... */)
      self.dataSource = self

      let initialViewController = self.unusedViewController()

      // Configure the initial view controller
      // ...

      self.setViewControllers([ initialViewController ], 
                              direction: .Forward, 
                              animated: false, 
                              completion: nil)

  // This function returns an unused view controller from the cache
  // or creates and returns a new one
  private func unusedViewController() -> MyViewController {
    let unusedViewControllers = reusableViewControllers.filter { $0.parentViewController == nil }
    if let someUnusedViewController = unusedViewControllers.last {
        return someUnusedViewController
    } else {
        let newViewController = MyViewController()
        return newViewController


The data source uses the same function to obtain an unused view controller:

extension MyPageViewController: UIPageViewControllerDataSource {
  func pageViewController(pageViewController: UIPageViewController,
                          viewControllerAfterViewController viewController: UIViewController) -> UIViewController? {
        let nextViewController = unusedViewController()

        // Configure the next view controller for display
        // ...

        return nextViewController