我在配置XCODE 4.3.1的代码符号部分没有看到任何Provisioning Profile

我在配置XCODE 4.3.1的代码符号部分没有看到任何Provisioning Profile



I Have a strange problem in my xCode, im the par of code signing i dont see any profile and even more i dont get the small arrows


in keychain i have my things you can see it in the picture


In my Organizer i see my profile but in xcode in the code signing section i got stacked with an old profile and dont see any other, and dont have the little arrows that allow to choose profile


i have draged and import my profile to my device and restarted xCode and no luck i m adding the picture


The last image you provide are the provisioning profiles for the device you have plugged in. Select "Provisioning Profiles" under the "Library" section and drag the profile into the main window there. Should solve your problem.