从ARM模板创建Azure Web应用程序插槽而无需复制原始Web应用程序配置

从ARM模板创建Azure Web应用程序插槽而无需复制原始Web应用程序配置



I am trying to create web app slots through ARM template.


I was able to create those but it looks like the default behavior is to create the them as a copy of the current web app state. This result in my slot inheriting app settings, connection strings, virtual directories, ....

这里有一个复制示例,演示了行为 https://github.com/ggirard07/ARMSlotWebConfig

Here a reproduction sample which demonstrate the behavior https://github.com/ggirard07/ARMSlotWebConfig.

我想让我的插槽干净整洁,这是azure门户的默认行为.门户网站可以通过指定创建插槽时发布的"configSource": "",值来允许用户选择行为.

I want my slot clean and fresh instead, which is the azure portal default behavior. The portal is able to allow a user to select the behavior by specifying the "configSource": "", value it posts when creating the slot.


Is there anyway to achieve the same from inside an ARM template?


To prevent the copying of settings from the production app, just add an empty siteConfig object in the slot properties. e.g.

      "apiVersion": "2015-08-01",
      "type": "slots",
      "name": "maintenance",
      "location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
      "dependsOn": [
        "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/Sites/', variables('webSiteName'))]"
      "properties": {
        "siteConfig": { }

我发送了 PR 来说明您的存储库.

I sent a PR to illustrate on your repo.