检查列表中是否存在一个值已经 Redis

检查列表中是否存在一个值已经 Redis


我想知道是否有办法检查 redis 列表中是否已存在某个键?

I'm wondering if there's a way to check if a key already exists in a redis list?


I can't use a set because I don't want to enforce uniqueness, but I do want to be able to check if the string is actually there.


  1. 使用 LREM 并在找到后替换它.
  2. 维护一个单独的 SET 与您的 LIST
  3. 循环遍历 LIST,直到找到项目或到达结尾.
  1. Using LREM and replacing it if it was found.
  2. Maintaining a separate SET in conjunction with your LIST
  3. Looping through the LIST until you find the item or reach the end.

Redis 列表作为 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linked_list 实现,因此存在局限性.

Redis lists are implemented as a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linked_list, hence the limitations.

我认为您最好的选择是维护一个重复的 SET.这是我倾向于做的.把它想象成一个额外的索引.无论如何,请确保您的操作是使用 MULTI-EXEC 或 Lua 脚本的原子操作.

I think your best option is maintaining a duplicate SET. This is what I tend to do. Just think of it as an extra index. Regardless, make sure your actions are atomic with MULTI-EXEC or Lua scripts.